Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today I’m going to talk about fevers, but first, story time!

So last week (which is a couple weeks ago now, but when I wrote this it was last week - I'm an over-achiever and like to have about three or four topics written about before I post them!) Harlee caught a bug.  He’s been playing around a lot of other kids lately, and, well, ‘tis the season to catch and share bugs.  He was down and out with a fever for almost three days.  It started on a Monday, around 99.7ish, but he was playing and eating and I chalked it up to teething.  Until late afternoon and he petered out and all he wanted to do was lay around.  Not really his nature…  The next day was the same – not interested in eating, just wanted to sleep all day.  Poor guy :(.  He reached 101.4 or so, and with a little help from homeopathic Ferrum Phos. his fever dropped back down to the 99 range.  But by evening he hit 102.8 in the armpit and was roasting.  I was constantly texting my friend who’s also knowledgeable about a pro-natural lifestyle (it’s nice to have someone you trust for feedback and a sounding board – when it’s your own kid that’s having the trouble you’re not actually in the best frame of mind for decision-making… I’m not, anyway!).  And we broke the seal on the fever-reducer medicine and gave Harlee a drug for the first time…  I of course stuck with natural remedies as well – following my friend’s advice (which also helped jog my memory) of applying lavender oil to his feet, which can help bring down a fever as it has a naturally cooling effect on the body, and I diffused Thieves oil in the air.  I also kept up the Ferrum Phos.  I didn’t get much sleep that night, constantly checking on him… fortunately his fever went back down to the lower end of 101, but the next morning it was up again.

So, let me explain a little something about fevers.  They’re a good thing.  They make us parents freak out a little bit, but they’re a good thing.  98.6 degrees is the standard normal body temperature, as I hope you all know, but fevers up to 100.4 in a 3 month old or up to 102.2 up to 3 years old isn’t really anything to worry about (obviously keep an eye on it, and do check with your doctor for added comfort) as it’s your body’s way of fighting bacterial infections (bacteria can’t live in such high heat).  Administering fever-reducing medications, which prevent your body from producing antibodies, can actually drag on the infection up to 50% longer than it should have been there in the first place.  So don’t rush to the drug store so quickly if the fever is low-grade!  The body knows what it’s doing!  Resting and drinking plenty of liquids is the best thing for you when experiencing a fever, for any age!  Avoiding sugar is good too, as sugar can suppress the immune system.

Some natural fever-reducing tips, aside from Lavender oil, as I mentioned above, and Ferrum Phos (also mentioned above) are as follows:

Peppermint oil applied to the soles of the feet or sprayed on the back of the neck, as it has a cooling effect on the body like lavender.  Other oils that have a cooling effect on the body are chamomile, eucalyptus, basil, and bergamot.

Some homeopathic remedies include Aconite, Belladonna, and Ferrum Phos, all found in Hyland’s Homeopathy Kid’s Kid.  Aconite is best if some of your symptoms or traits include anxiety, restlessness, fear, or a sudden onset of a fever that includes hot, dry, flushed skin.  Belladonna may be useful if symptoms are violent like thrashing or tossing, restless, also sleepy but can’t sleep, and the fever includes flushed, hot dry skin and red face.  Ferrum Phosphoricum (or Ferrum Phos) is good for early stages of an illness and for fever with a gradual onset, pale skin with rosy cheeks, and can include cough or earache or sore throat.  This seemed like the best match for Harlee, and did help for awhile as I mentioned above.

Some herbs that are helpful include lemon balm leaf, chamomile flower, peppermint leaf, licorice root, and elderflower, which can be brewed into a tea, but that’s recommended for children that are over 2 years old.  A green tea supplement is great too, as green tea includes L-theanine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which are excellent immune system boosters and thus fever reducers.

Trying a lukewarm bath might also be beneficial, making the water about two degrees cooler than your child’s (or your own) body.  Constantly keep water flowing over the skin, either by sponging it on or pouring it, but if shivering begins then get out and get under the covers!

Don’t keep too many clothes on either, as they just trap the heat inside and can cause the fever to rise even higher.  Cover up with just a sheet, too, and maybe turn down the room’s temperature a few degrees cooler.

Some weird tips – slice potatoes or onions, place on the bottoms of the feet and secure with socks, and keep them there overnight.  I actually tried the potato thing… I can’t say I saw any results, but I’ve read that some people swear by this method!  Certainly doesn’t hurt to try it though!  If any of you reading this try that or have tried it, post about it and let me know!

I know I don’t care for doctors, but in the case of fevers sometimes you don’t want to mess around, as too high of a fever can cause febrile seizures or brain damage (usually above 106 degrees F).  If the fever is hovering in the safe zone, though, try some of these tips before rushing to use something you got from the drug store.  Like I said, that usually causes more harm than good!  And, if the fever is low-grade, just let it be.  It’s just the body’s natural defense mechanism kicking into action to fight off an infection, and allowing the body to do its job is the best thing for it!  Just drink water and sleep :).

When we woke up the next morning to find that Harlee’s fever wasn’t going anywhere, and still hovering in the upper part of 102 degrees, the first thing I did was call a chiropractor in Waterloo who specializes in children and babies and scheduled him in with her, and the second thing I did was call his pediatrician to get him in right after the chiropractor.

Wait, why in the heck would I call a chiropractor before a doctor??

Ah, hold tight until the next post, and I’ll tell you about the wonders of chiropractic care :).  It’s a great story.  And Harlee is doing better than before now!

Information taken from

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