Friday, October 28, 2016

I'm Still Alive!

I'm aliiiiiive!!  The past week or so I've had a lot of people suddenly ask me, "What happened to your blog?" "Why haven't you posted anything lately?" etc.  So I thought, what the heck, I'll pop in and say hi to you all.

But, to answer your questions:

What happened to my blog?  It's still here!  And I reference it a LOT, and I hope you do too!  I'm really glad I posted all those recipes in the past because I use a lot of them pretty frequently.  I find my Post Index and Recipe Box rather helpful.  I need to post more recipes because I've discovered some gems in the past months.  Like this Paleo Chocolate Pecan Pie.  Oh. Em. Gee.

And why haven't I posted anything lately?  Because I'm friggin busy, that's why.  Business has been busy, I took on a 5k project throughout the summer to benefit the Love Abby foundation, which turned into a half marathon event earlier this month (which I didn't help with as much as I'd hoped, but did, however, learn to not bite off more than I can chew anymore!).  Not to mention I have two little kids that demand a lot of attention, and a marriage that I'd really like to enjoy when those two little kids move out (which means nurturing that marriage NOW, people, I've realized a lot of couples learn that the hard way when they put marriage on hold and make family the priority then suddenly don't know what to do with each other when kids grow up and start their own families.  Don't let that be you!  I know I don't want that to be me!)

I did kinda want to write a post about when I went to California to learn Touch For Health in June... but I've found a lot of satisfaction in just appreciating that trip on my own, and seeing the profound results in my practice with my clients.  That trip, and that class, literally changed my life.  Not in the cliche way, and I'm totally not exaggerating.  Thanks to TFH Energy Balancing, I have more confidence, patience, clarity, and ambition, just to name a few things.  Time management, prioritizing, and focusing have gotten a lot better, and I feel like a better person overall.  I can help bring that kind of change to my clients too!  And I want to!  But it's not something I can really explain here, it's something you just have to try, trust, and experience first-hand.  It's amazing.

Anyway, just because I haven't been blogging doesn't mean I haven't been writing.  I've just gotten back into creative writing.  I may have mentioned in a past post or maybe on my bio that I've always enjoyed creative writing, but since I've gotten out of that I used this blog as my writing outlet.  Well, not anymore.  My muse came back a year or so ago and finally I just had to get the ideas out of my head.  I am currently 150 pages into a creative writing project and have some good, strong momentum going and I don't intend to stop.  So long as my muse sticks around... (she's been known to ditch me before, but I'm really feeling good about this one!).  So, basically, any chance I have to sit and unload these ideas out of my head (which are rare finds but they do happen), that's what I'm doing.  Which is why I don't blog.  Or get on Facebook much anymore, either.  Or finish my kids' photo books...  Ha.

Lastly, I've kinda fallen off the blog train because I feel like my posts are either a) preaching to the choir, b) falling on deaf ears, or c) are only looked at if they feature a recipe and are read by someone following a specialty diet.  Which is totally cool, I love helping out people on a health quest.  So I'll try to update with recipes as often as I can.  But as far as a and b, if you're part of the choir, I'm wasting your time, and if you're deaf, I'm wasting my time.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  I've found over the last couple years that I don't need to preach.  I need to do what I feel works for myself and my family, and I've shared a lot about what we do here, but I recognize that doesn't work for everybody, and the people it would work for usually find me on their own and we have great, fulfilling conversations and we both part ways wiser and more motivated.

So, as you may have guessed, I probably won't be posting much anymore.  I do want to try to post recipes more often though, mostly for my personal reference but also for you guys who like to try healthy alternatives that taste good too, so I promise I'll try harder!  Doesn't mean I'll succeed... but I'll try!!  However, if you want natural lifestyle advice, don't hesitate to ask me personally.  Avoiding drugs, cleaning up diet to not just look better but feel and function better, warding off illness, recovering from illness, recovering/detoxing from having taken conventional medicine (sometimes it's a necessary evil!), and anything in that category.  I'm happy to chat!  I'm still the same research-a-holic I've always been, just getting kinda selfish with my time and my knowledge over the years... Sorry bout it!

Hope you've all been well!  Happy Halloween, and if I don't pop in here with a delicious pumpkin recipe anytime soon, then Happy Thanksgiving as well!  Thank you all for the support that I have gotten, I appreciate your time and interest, and I look forward to chatting in person in the future! :)